My Intent

fire demon Imagine…
you are working in your office and you have the door locked. A friend on the other side of the door pounds on the door and says in a panic, “The building is on fire. It’s really bad. It’s going to burn to the ground! We have to get out! There’s a fireman here who says there is still one way out. Come on! Open the door! We have to go with him, or die in the fire.”

If you don’t choose to open the door and go with him, you’ve sealed your fate. You’ll die in the fire. If you say “There can’t be just one way out,” and don’t go with the fireman you’re going to die in the fire. If you try to get out another way, you’ll die trying. The fireman is the expert on how fires burn. He is telling you the truth. There is just one way out and he’ll get you there if you’ll just follow him.

If you still have doubts your friend pleads, “Listen. I know him. I’ve known him all my life. He’s my friend, like a brother to me. He’s never lied, ever. He’ll get us out. Come on! Trust him! If you stay, you’ll die! What do you have to lose by trusting him?! Nothing!!! You have everything to gain by following him!”

The logical choice is to follow the fireman to safety, right?

This story is similar to a born again Christian talking about Jesus to someone who is not a born again Christian. This is where my heart is in creating this website. I don’t want to force you to do anything. I just want to give you enough information to enable you to make an intelligent choice. I’m not going to harass you. I’m not that kind of person. I may not even know you, but I still care enough to try to get the information you need to you.

yeshua-gift shown on scroll_Painting No person can prove there is a God…
but God can prove He exists! He could do something that is impossible for a human to do. Guess what. He did! He encoded messages in the bible for the people of today. We need computers to even find the codes. There is no possibility that a human encoded the messages, and no real possibility that they happened by chance.

twin towers burning_Painting Some of the coded messages are about…
things that happened recently even though the Old Testament was written over 2000 years ago. The encoder not only had the ability to encode the messages, but also had the ability to predict events over 2000 years before they happened! There are specifics mentioned: names, places, what weapon was used in an attack, what people say about various things (differing viewpoints on the same topic), etc.

No human can even accurately predict the weather a month in the future, much less details of things that happen all over the world in the next several thousand years. So the encoding was either done by aliens, or God. I’m guessing you might not believe what I say. You probably want something a lot more substantial than my opinion. That’s understandable. In fact, I’d wonder how gullible you must be if you did believe me strictly on my say so. The need for more evidence is what the rest of this website is about. Please investigate the information on the Bible Codes. University professor level mathematicians agree that lengthy bible codes are there, and that they simply can’t be there by chance.

Suppose you check all this bible code information out and decide there must be a God after all. It follows that the bible must be the inspired word of God. The text written down by the human authors must have been given to them by God in a word by word manner. If the human authors wrote anything differently, the bible codes wouldn’t exist!

If God wrote the bible, it would make sense that He would tell us how things really are… the truth, right? What reason could He have to mislead us? To pull a God-sized joke on us? I think that is very unlikely.

FaceLiving205_5 The bible says…
there’s only one way to escape the inevitable consequences of not being completely holy in thought, word, and deed: to trust Jesus! To accept His offer to take the consequences for you, while you take on His holiness so you can live in the presence of a holy God.

Perhaps you want to believe in Jesus, but you just can’t believe all that business about resurrecting after being dead for three days. That’s not the sort of thing that happens every day. Maybe you want to see some sort of evidence before you believe that it really happened. God knew there would be people who needed something physical that could be examined and tested to verify that the resurrection actually happened. Guess what. He provided exactly that in the Shroud of Turin.

ExhibitionRecent007_7 The Shroud of Turin…
is the burial cloth of Jesus. It has an image of Jesus on it. Most people today would probably be very skeptical of the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin. We have a lot of ways to scientifically test artifacts. Most people, I think, would like to have that piece of cloth examined and tested by experts before they would believe it is real. Guess what. Scientists did do tests on the shroud. Researchers discovered some amazing things that prove the Shroud of Turin is not a hoax! I believe the only reasonable explanation for the image of the body of Jesus on the shroud is that His body transformed into light and energy. I suspect that you, like most people who read this, are skeptical of my statement. Guess what. In my “Exploring the Shroud of Turin” presentation I explain how I came to this conclusion. Please look at the presentation and decide for yourself what the evidence means.